
The infrastructure is important for faster economic growth and alleviation of poverty in any country in the world. The adequate infrastructure in the form of road and railway transport system, ports, reservoirs, housing, information technology etc. and their efficient working are essential. Global infrastructure projects are expected to form the bedrock of plans for economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite demand, the gap in the global infrastructure investment remains evident and we, PKV Infra would be trying to fill this gap especially by focusing more on sustainable global projects such as information technology, wind and solar power and also projects that facilitate the economic growth of any region.

Further, minerals are valuable natural resources being finite and non-renewable. Besides catering to the energy requirements of the world, they are valuable inputs for diverse industrial activities. Natural endowment of minerals increases the potential wealth of a country but their distribution across the world varies substantially. With rising valuation of mineral commodities, mining has been envisioned as a profitable industry regardless of many challenges it entails. Hunt for critical minerals, their supply chain sustenance, automated and sustainable mining etc have already taken ‘Central Stage’ in the global mining scenario. Hence, PKV Infra would invest and promote sustainable mining of critical minerals globally. That would benefit countries to increase in revenues and profits, foreign exchange, employment, regional development and infrastructure development.

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